
Sunday, September 25, 2011


All the way from New York- here is Bianca Merkley (my cute little sis) to show us something she does with the kiddos she works with as a music therapist.

That is all for today- we are off to make out shaker eggs! Thanks for the idea B! 

Besitos, xoxo


  1. I will be posting pics next week of our shaker egg project! P.S. Bianca- what kind of glue do you use?

    Thanks Bianca again!

  2. Great Cristi! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. And I usually use super glue (You just have to be careful you don't glue your hands together like I've done before), or you can use hot glue as well- but super glue works better from what I've heard.

  3. this is darling. she would be the best music therapist ever!

  4. I watched this with my boys and they were dancing and smiling their little faces off! So basically I think Bianca should write and record some kid songs for an album, because a)I love her voice b)She is so talented c)My kids want me to play that song again and again and again.

  5. Ha ha, seriously? I totally want to record some kid songs. That's my next plan I think after I finish releasing my new album with more "adult like" music. Glad your boys liked the song. More songs on the blog to come...I hope they continue to enjoy!
