
Sunday, September 11, 2011

I heart New York.

I will never forget this moment....I was on my way to Gender Studies class at the U of U when I heard about the Twin Towers. Students in  disbelief gathered around the television sets to watch the horrific event. I will never forget that moment. The entire nation gathering together thinking and praying for the victims...such a feeling of unity and coming seems like we forget so quickly.

 Last night, I was looking back through photos of our time in New York last Christmas. Oh how I LOVE that city. In memory of those victims here are a few of us in the city. (Mister and I were celebrating 7 years of Marriage with a date night in the City! I can't believe...SEVEN YEARS.)
Did I mention that I love that city?


I bet you are wondering what kind of sunglasses those are... they are rad huh? Check out Proof Sunglasses- they have more of us on their blog here!

xoxo, Besitos.

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