
Monday, November 28, 2011

Cabo withdrawals.

Okay so no music Monday... sorry. 
I am going through a bit of family and holiday withdrawal.  
We just got back from a fabulous holiday vacation in Cabo with Mister's family. 

Why is it that it takes at least a few weeks to feel adjusted to home after being with family for so long?

I had a little bit of an empty feeling as I was saying goodbye to mister as he left to work. 

I miss him.  

It is amazing to me how easy it is to leave behind the cares of the world and responsibilities for just one week and not think about anything else but family.

Can't I pause this moment forever?

My most memorable moment of the trip:
playing with little man and mister on the beach and in the pool...I don't think I have ever seen little man laugh so hard for so long... was pure bliss. 


Oh you will be missed. Today I am grateful for family vacations (day #15).


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