
Friday, November 4, 2011

Freebie Friday: Bianca Merkley's new album-CLOSED

Hello there...sorry this is a tad late today...but it's time for another Friday Freebie... and today you are in for an amazing treat...not only do you get to listen to Bianca Merkley's song "Time" right now... but you can also enter to win a signed copy of her NEW ALBUM "A Part of Me!!"
No one but Bianca herself has a hold of this album...not even me!

This song "Time" was written by Bianca and inspired by her childhood need to want to grow up quickly. Realizing the wasted energy she spent on always wanting to be something or somewhere else, she decided to "live more in the moment" and appreciate every stage of life." Bianca describes this song as "advice to herself"...take a listen for yourself.

Time Rolls on By by Bianca Merkley

What do you think?

So, what do you have to do to possibly get one of these babies?

#1 Be a follower of Weeds to Wishes here. 
#2 head to Bianca's Facebook page and "like" her page here
#3 Leave a comment telling me if you could pause life for one moment in time...what would you be doing?

 For every 10 entries- I plan on giving one of her if there are 20 who enter...I will give out 2...30 comments- give out 3 and so on.

Be the first to get this album!



  1. oh yah mine is: snuggling with little man.

  2. My paused moment would be on the beach in Hawaii with my hubby, 18 month old Brenner and a pina colada. That was so much fun.

  3. i backed her, so i get a copy already, but i'd love it to give it away to a friend!!! hooray!! i think i'm with bianca and i'd try to pause life just as it is - learn to enjoy it more in the moment.

  4. p.s. loving the strings in this song.

  5. Awesome! My frozen moment would be holding my little guy jumping on the guest mattress, him laughing hysterically at every bounce.

  6. i am loving these!! Keep them coming!!

  7. Ok, so I know I'm not really supposed to be in on the giveaway for my own CD, but I just had to comment on my "paused moment"...and it would be to pause the moments when I am with my family hanging out. It's such a rare occurrence since we live so far away from each other, and I just cherish those moments like you wouldn't believe.

  8. Mine would be a day at home with all the kids getting along, all of us playing, laughing and just enjoying being a family, whether playing games, playing outside or whatever. Doesn't happen enough.

  9. I've thought about this a lot lately for some reason - maybe because it's fall and nature kind of slows it self down anyway. There are SO many great moments throughout my day, but I think I'd like to freeze the moments when my son says "Mama" and gives me hugs and kisses for no reason!

  10. I love Bianca's music! I used one of her songs (off her first album? "Grateful") on a video I made of the first year of Anderson's life. Perfect song to express how I feel about my beautiful boys. Since others have said loving on their kiddos (b/c of course that's what I'd do w/ my paused moment!) I'll go w/ my wedding day. I'd love to go back and relive and pause EVERY moment of that day!

  11. Ah, my wedding day was like a dream. I would love to pause that moment too DC Diva! And thanks for the kind words.

  12. I love your moments! We have until midnight tonight ladies! Tell your friends! The more people enter the more I will give away!!

  13. Since we can magically pause life in this scenario, I am going to magically have all my kids with me at once as well. And in that magical moment of pause, I would be holding all four of them at the same time on a lazy Saturday morning while laying in bed with my husband. Crap. Now I just made myself cry...

  14. My pause moment would be the whole family cuddling in bed. No fights or requests, just cuddle time.

  15. Family time together away from the everyday = VACATION! I want a pause button for that! Thanks for the chance. Love Bianca's voice (so pretty) & your fashion style!

  16. If I could pause time, I would be in a sunken tub, soaking, reading a great book, with candles to aid in the relaxation! Teresa Garber

  17. I almost forgot to enter this giveaway, which would have been a shame because I've been enjoying the sneak previews you've posted.

    My favorite moments that I'd love to hang onto-- watching Kelly play with our baby boy. That's sweet stuff.

  18. Ahhh, hope I made the first 20! I am in awe of her talents. If I could freeze time, huh? Probably one of my late afternoon naps with one of my babies.

  19. Let's see.... I love to prolong the morning snuggle in bed with David & Charlie on each side of me, but a truly "paused" moment?? Perhaps singing Christmas carols with Mark & all our boys using their full, loud, earnest voices.

  20. A paused moment for me - so many come to mind... hangin out with my hubby... sitting around our wood stove at my parents house with my family all around... shoppin with my sisters...that is what life is all about for me.(this is Tina by the way... I don't know why it says Eric?)

  21. Tonight we had a dance party. We turned on music and we all danced, including Charlie who copied Eva and turned around in circles. It was adorable to watch and we were all laughing. There is nothing like laughter. It is good for the soul. I would pick a moment of laughter like that except Eric wasn't there tonight and he'd have to join in on the dance party. Then there would be more laughing...for sure.

  22. Hmm. For some reason it is not letting me be a follower. I'll try again tomorrow.

  23. If I could pause life for a moment, I'd go back in time to June 7th, 1997 and keep my son Eric from going to the corner store, but life doesn't work that way. So now the way I pause is by being present with my family and friends so I don't miss a moment!!

  24. I have chills reading all your "pause moments." Thank you for sharing!

    Thanks Trina for reminding us to stay present and enjoy the moments we have with our little people on this Earth. You just never know.

    AS A BIG THANK YOU to my followers and for taking the time to write a comment...I am going to GIVE YOU ALL A CD. Make sure you have completed the steps to enter this contest and email me your address: YOU ALL HAVE JUST WON A CD!!
