
Friday, December 23, 2011

It's a Candy Land - Wonder Land

The lolly pops and snowflakes were hung.

The candy and soda bar were filled.

The chairs and table set.

 The anticipation... the months of planning... December 16th was  finally was here.

I am sorry for the delay in this post- but I have had a really hard time writing about this night. Mostly, because there are few words that can even begin to describe what it is why like.

But in summary, it was "Magical."

Not only was the venue decorated like a Candy Land-Wonder Land but I got to meet and listen to Mindy for the first time in person!
 My most memorable moment: watching little Brynn Jones jump up and dance around at the first glimpse of Mindy
That alone, made all the long hours and hard work well worth it. 

Front and center Brynn (Mindy's number one fan) sat mesmerized by the music...
what a beautiful night. 

And besides, bringing awareness to hundreds of people (if not thousands with the news coverage we got) about what Rett Syndrome- we were able to raise about $17,000 and still counting to the Rett Syndrome Foundation for finding medicine to help alleviate symptoms and one day hopefully find a cure.

See...words can't describe.

My only complaint....that I didn't nearly take enough photos. 

Note to self when hosting an event...HIRE A PHOTOGRAPHER even when you are a photographer.


Needless to say, the event was a huge success.
Brynn was exhausted. I was exhausted....we all were exhausted.

Thanks to all those of you who supported us in the event.  My heart is full for all the love and friends who were willing to give their time and talent.
Thank You.

And a special Thank you to Mindy Gledhill for coming out and bringing peace and joy into the lives who listen to your music every day...

especially in the life of a little girl who doesn't have the words to verbalize her thoughts and feelings.

I think to her, you are her voice.

Want to see more and the follow up coverage on the news?  Go here:



  1. okay. you caught me. i'm crying. a complete puddle. but so grateful for you and mindy and everyone else who made this evening possible. i know i wasn't there. and i know it was meant for brynn. but it means so, so much to so many others. really, truly, thank you. our girls need more voices like you.

  2. Wow! For not having the words, you did pretty well. Good job. I love what you said about mindys songs being brynns words, so true.

  3. I'm so proud of you! Kudos to bringing awareness to a disease that needs so much light shed upon it. I'm sure this made your xmas one you will never forget.

  4. Love the decorations. Great pictures. Everyone looks awesome. Love the one of Brynn asleep on my dad's (her grandpa)shoulder.
