
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What not to do when chopping down your own Christmas Tree.

We wanted to start a tradition of chopping down our own Christmas Tree...

I learned a few things:

1) Don't wear sweater Uggs- huge mistake.
2) Even better- bring snow shoes!
3) Wear gloves. I know What was I thinking?
4) Bring a better ax or saw.
5) Plan on it taking at least an hour- and don't go so close to sunset. It gets COLD!
6) Make sure little man wears snow boots and snowsuit next time
7) Bring snacks and warm drinks for the hike
8) Lower your expectations on finding the "perfect" tree that is full and perfectly shaped...
 they don't exist- at least where we were looking.

Besides being very unprepared and getting a late start (see previous post) overall, this was one of the most memorable moments we have had together this season. How magical to be able to hike around searching for that one special tree to take home. I think we will do this every year. 



One thing that is a must: Stop at a local burger joint and grab hot chocolates and burgers. 

It's a perfect end to a perfect night.



  1. That looks awesome! We actually meant to cut our own tree this year, but totally ran out of time. Now I'm inspired to do it for sure next year!

  2. I love this! We go get a Christmas tree together as a family (from a tree farm or home depot!). Maybe one day we will be brave and chop down our own tree!
