
Friday, January 20, 2012

The Happiest Toddler on the Block? GIVEAWAY

I have a little love affair with Amazon- they have a crush on me at least. Really... I buy everything I can from there. One year I got each and every Christmas present from the comfort of my home and just a click of a button... So, when I accidentally ordered three copies (oopsies) of this book: "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" and quickly attempted to send them back...Amazon sent me a note stating the extra book was "on them" for being such a loyal customer!

Awwww Amazon fan for life right here.

 So know what I am going to do with my TWO extra copies of this book?

You guessed it....GIVEAWAY!!! It is after all  FREEBIE FRIDAY!!

Why did I order this book in the first place? Happiest Baby on the block was a life saver two years ago with my new little preemie baby. So, it didn't take long for me to order Dr. Karp's "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" at the first sight of entering into the toddler stage- and so far I am liking what I am reading. I'll give little updates about what I am learning next week!

So, for now....who wants a copy?? How about TWO?


ENDS next THURSDAY the 27th 11:59pm.
Enter by:
1. Being a follower of this blog of course...go HERE & OPTIONAL but appreciated- Follow us on Facebook by going HERE.

2. Recommend this blog to a friend- send your best friend a link, tell a stranger in the grocery story, text it to your favorite person, shout it out from the top of your lungs to a random group of people...however you do it doesn't matter....just GET THE WORD OUT to at least ONE person!

3. Leave a comment telling me what makes your child "The Happiest child on the block!"

 What makes the Happiest Little Man on the block right now?
 His cousin Manu... giggles happen just when saying his name.



  1. El is the happiest Toddler on the block when we play/sing row, row, row your boat.

  2. LIAM is the happiest toddler on the block when he is playing with his cousins Elle and Evve!! And his Papa and Grammy!!! He loves playing with his animal figures!

  3. I am a new follower! So glad I found your blog. I have three little ones (4 yo twins and a 3 year old) and we've been doing a little play therapy. Looks like you offer some great tips! I also follow on FB.

    1. Wow Twins and a three year old! You have your hands full!

  4. P.S. -- My children are the happiest kids on the block because their Mama has regular dance parties with them! :)

  5. My toddler is the happiest toddler on the block when we play "Don't Break the Ice." (Or when I give him unlimited candy, but then I'm not the happiest Mama on the block!)

    1. of little man's loves as well- that and egg nog. ;)

  6. My little boy is happiest when his dad does a countdown to 3, as he knows a dance party is about to start.

    1. I love this comment... we want to come over and play- sounds like fun!

  7. Little guy is the happiest kid on the block as soon as the apartment door opens and he books it outside!

    1. My little guy loves the outdoors more than anything as well!

  8. Just found your blog... actually came to it for ideas for me and my husband. BUT, I have toddlers too, so this would be great! ;) My toddler is happiest on the block when we agree to sing Christmas carols with him. It's almost Feb and he still requests we sing Jingle Bells and Away in the Manger as part of his bedtime routine. We happily oblige. Hearing my kids sing... any sweet song always melts my heart.

    1. He is going to love our Music Mondays we have every other week! Music coming from a little one is the best!

  9. Sometimes I feel like there isn't a way to make my toddler the happiest on the block. He just yells "NO" in my face. He won't be bribed and is so darn independent. Today is his 3rd birthday and I'm hoping that listening skills will come into play this year. What a darling son you have!

    1. Happy Birthday to him!! Sounds like you got a spunky little one! We need people like him in our world- makes it interesting!

  10. I follow via GFC :)

    danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

  11. I just shared this and your work blog with my sister in Rexburg who is interested in being a play therapist. I'm sending a link to my other sister and two sisters-in-law as well.

    My little man is happiest when chased. Being able to walk has opened up his world and he loves nothing better than to have mom, dad, or even the dog "chase" him. He eggs me on all day!

    1. Play Therapy is AMAZING!! Tell her to go for it!!

  12. Thanks everyone!! Little man is going to "help" pick the winners and I will post them before Monday. (he's still napping...)
