
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seeing double.

I am a Gemini.
Any Gemini’s out there? Well, then you can relate to the need of always having TWO of everything...
I have TWO careers that I love: photography and counseling.

 I have TWO regular blogs: Truly Modly Deeply and Weeds to Wishes.

I write for How Does She on TWO different topics: Fashion and Family.

I am at a counselor at TWO different locations: St. Lukes Elks Children Rehab and my private practice Live Inspired Counseling.

I know... I like to complicate my life.
But I love it... it energizes me.
For instance, my private practice... it's is my creative outlet.
 It's where I can be playful, inspired, artistic... just be me.
{Office before we had our privacy drapes} 
{With our privacy drapes}
{Back room- love the cozy fireplace}

One of my favorite parts, is that little man loves to come and destroy  play in my office. Here is us hanging out last fall.
{ Read here to read about that moment}
{Thinking about putting the glue on his lips} 
{caught red-handed}

Someone wise once told me that there is a season for everything. And I truly believe that.
 I have been feeling lately that with the new season of chasing a toddler around the home, (therefore, turning it upside down in the process) that it's time for me to once again slow down and take something more off my plate and make room for "getting organized" at home.

In combination with this feeling, my lease for my private practice Live Inspired Counseling was up for renewal this month. It seemed like that is was time to put this little piece of me on hold...
just for a little bit.
{Moving art supplies out.}

{Moving the toys out.}

Yesterday, I bought little man over to help finish cleaning out the space. He was the best helper!

 This has been hard.
I absolutely ADORE my space.
but I ADORE my little home and family more.

Good Bye beautiful play and art room. 
I will miss you.
Until next time... when the season is right...

One last look before I walk out the door. {sigh} 

Besitos little space.


  1. It's hard to stop doing things you love, but simplifying has always made me happier in the long run because I can focus more on the things I'm doing. Good luck!!

  2. (And by the way, it looks like you've got a great helper!)

  3. I know exactly how you feel!! It was hard for me to stop working when all these boys invaded my house! ;-) Luckily, I'm able to work 1-2 days a week at the Hale box office as a "get away"- which provides me a needed "time out" and the boys a fun "boys night out" (no moms allowed). I've also learned to be grateful for a husband who is passionate about his work and can support his family (that seems to be a rare thing any more). As The Byrds sang: "To everything (turn, turn, turn). There is a season (turn, turn, turn). And a time to every purpose, under Heaven".

  4. oh honey I could write a book. I'm proud of you! So hard to say no to things that we really care about. It goes against every way we think. I think our 20's are saying yes to everything we can, and our 30's are learning to say no - even to some to some of those things we really love. Or really - just not right now. balance, timing, perspective, I'm learning (finally) we really just can't do it all. Although we almost die trying!

    ps - cute skirt!
