
Saturday, February 11, 2012


Yesterday was not my proudest moment. Not as a mother. Not a wife.

I had been putting off editing a wedding for so long and had a deadline to complete by yesterday afternoon. So, in desperation, I invited mickey mouse to come and play (AKA sat him in front of the TV to watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse) and there he sat sipping on chocolate milk (his heaven on earth) and gold fish while I continuously stared at the computer screen ALL DAY LONG.  The sun was shining and I could hear children playing and riding their bikes outside.

Outside was the only place I wanted to be and this made me grouchy...which brings me to also winning the double award of "grouchiest mom and wife award."

The end result? The photos were completed on time... and little man's obsession for Mickey Mouse and chocolate milk grew.

 Getting down on my knees, I  looked at him in the eyes and asked little man for forgiveness (although to him, he had the best day ever) for ignoring him and being a very grouchy mommy and I put everything aside and we played.  Mister came home and we went to Carls Junior (because they have the BEST play place) for a night of jungle gyms and good conversation over turkey burgers. I may have snuck up to the top once or twice to ride down the slide with little man.

My conclusion?
Although I am technically working from home... and I really home?

You know that Snicker Bar commercial- "You are not You when you are hungry?" Although that statement is very true of me as well- I am also NOT ME when I have endless hours of photo editing to do.


 I have come to the conclusion that I am taking a break from shooting weddings....and we are cutting cable. End of story.

Mister doesn't believe me. But I pinkie swear.


PS. There is a GIVEAWAY for an amazing product going on at my other blog here.


1 comment:

  1. You are such a great mom, I'm sure! I think it's awesome that you're taking the initiative to actually do something about it, instead of just telling yourself you'll do better next time. Good for you!
