
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


mom and little man july 2010

I got this email the from my mom the same day I was moving out of my office space (she didn't know I was closing my practice) 
and it couldn't have come at a better time. It meant the world to me.

It is a great reminder as to why it is so important to not let time pass you by.

She gave me permission to share. 

My sweet girls:

Today as I looked out the window, from the 15th floor of my apartment
in Puerto Rico, I saw people going about their business running here
and there like there was no tomorrow. I thought: what is the big

I must say that thinking about it makes me feel sad. At one time in my
life, going back 10, 20 and even 30 years. ( I would have been married
30 years last September) I didn't take good care of me or my little
family and i'm sorry for that.I loved being way too busy because it
made me feel good to help out other people, it was like a drug.  We
can't go back in time, I know, but how much I do miss you all and how
sad I feel to have neglected you.

I was doing good helping single moms and even people in jail but that
is what I could be doing now not then.  I am of course busy as always
but this time it's o.k. because I need to be busy or I would be bored.
Before I didn't have to but I wasn't wise to know that.  The scripture
that comes to mind is the one that talks about the fact that there is
a  time and place for everything.

I love the fact that Cristi plays with Little Man. How I wish he would
smile when he saw me and that I could hug him without him wanting to
let go. We could do it all but not at the same time and that is my
thought for today.

I love you and miss you so much,

I read that in between clients at work and I wept. It filled my heart with so much joy and appreciation for my mom. Although, I can't deny that I wished she was more available for us growing up,  she was a good mama. It just fuels the need to take each and every moment in and hope that one day I can look back without regrets.



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