
Friday, February 17, 2012

Gift #7- Have Family Traditions

So, I bet you are wondering what my gift #7 was?? 
Okay you most likely haven't even thought twice about it- but I need something to distract myself while I am pretending to calmly be busy while I am "ignoring" my 2 year old's tantrum...So, here it is.

I love traditions. They create memories and bond a family together for years to come. Your children will hold on to these memories for the rest of their lives.

This Valentine's Day I wanted it to not only be a romantic date night  with the mister but to include my other little Valentine in my life. So Little Man and I decorated the house and set the table for a yummy Valentines dinner prepared by yours truly- and best part....DESSERT!

We don't have a lot of dessert in our house- so this is a huge treat!!

Little Man's Vday card.

The Mister's Vday card.

Heart pizza and Cesar salad...followed by a chocolate heart cake!

It was an amazing day. I can't wait to pull these plates out next year!

Gift #7 Have family traditions.

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