
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's a new is mine.

My sister Bianca's song "A New Day" has been in my head all day- the sun came out- birds were chirping...budding trees. It was like this song was meant for me today. You have to take a listen and even sing along with the lyrics...(see bottom of post for lyrics)

Today I felt a ray of sunshine because
Little Man and I:

-Had a camping adventure in my bedroom with a tent, popcorn and a movie.
-Listened to the rain.
-Pinned on Pinterest without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else.
-Hopped into our rain boots and got to work in the garden.
-Had a date with Target... and got all new and colorful gardening essentials.
-Explored in the grassy field with mister and Guapo (our dog)
-Caught ladybugs. Lots of them.
-Bought myself tulips.
-Drank horchata two days in a row.
-Planted the tulips and other flowers I received as gifts to honor this experience.
-Helped Little Man plant his starter seeds for his very own garden
-Snuggled with the mister.
-Snuggled with Little Man.
-Ate a lot more oreos.

I was driving on my way to pick up Mister from the airport and I caught a glimpse of Little Man singing to himself in my rearview mirror. I smiled as I thought- “I am so incredibly lucky to have him in my life.” I then later again watched him practice his jumping skills (which he is so proud of) off the curb into puddles… and I smiled again. I watched him “help” me with planting the flowers by picking other flowers in the yard and bringing them to me.

I am so incredibly lucky. And happy to have him in my life. One thought that occurred to me today was on the bright side of all of this- I am sure happy to not be nauseous on a day like today…I got to really enjoy the day and my family.

It's a NEW day and

today is MINE.

{I have a little helper}

{Target shopping spree- I should buy stock in this store- I love it}

{In honor of the last three months- flowers were given as gifts from others and myself - representing growth and renewal}

{Thanks for all the love. I have so much gratitude!}
Besitos, xo

Lyrics to 

I can see a ray of light

Beaming through my blinds

Shining in a new day

Shining in a new day

I can hear the little birds

Chirping loud for all the world

Singing it’s a new day

Singing it’s a new day


No matter how long the night feels,

The promise of a new day is sure to come-

I can see the bright blue sky

Feel the breeze blowin’ by

Whisperin’ it’s a new day

Whisperin’ it’s a new day

I can see the budding trees

Turning bright green for me

Showing it’s a new day

Showing it’s a new day


No matter how long the night feels,

The promise of a new day is sure to come-

telling me that today is mine, today is’s a new day and today is,

today is mine...


I can choose to put grey colored glasses on-

To keep the sun from shining down or

I can choose to put rose colored glasses on-

To help me see the flowers, they’re comin’ up

And they’re telling me… that today is mine, today is mine, and it’s a new day,

today is, today is mine.

I can see a ray of light

Beaming through my blinds

Shining in

Shining in

I can hear the little birds

Chirping loud for all the world

Singing, yeah

Singing, hey hey hey

Oh oh, it’s new day, and it’s new day, today is mine


  1. I love it- you are so inspiring to me! And I totally get the feeling guilty about spending time doing creative searches on line (such as now- especially when the dishes haven't been touched in a few days!)...he he. That must run in our family or something. :)

  2. Sorry for you loss. Trials can be so hard. I saw these pictures on pinterest and it made me think of what you said about how it always seem to be raining when things are difficult. I just wanted to share.
    Try to find the little "Tender Mercies" and the rain will eventually turn into sunshine.

  3. Time with little helper must be very healing. Hope all is getting better every day.
