
Saturday, May 19, 2012

My surprise when I opened my email... plus printable bonus.

I opened my email and found this from My Publisher on a 60% sale they are having for Father's Day.

I smiled. 

Then, I teared up.

 Mostly because how cute are my boys? They look so much the same! And mostly because I miss my mister who has been away on a business trip for more than a week and a half now. Boo.

We kept missing each other on Skype- literally within minutes of each other- (so frustrating) I decided I get slightly grouchy with out him.

Come home!

So stop over at and you just might see our mugs wearing staches over there! It's funny because over a year ago mypublisher emailed me and asked if they could feature a book I made with these photos... I can't remember if I ever saw it on their site- But looks like they are still being putto good use even after a year and a half... but this time somehow we are now the "Gibson Family!" :)

Okay- now on to what I am really here to post about... just as I promised.... here is a way to download my visual schedule printables!! 

If you have no idea what I am talking about go here.
If you do, and want to download- go here. 
I am sure I will think of more and will keep you posted when I do.


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