
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Homemaking is not my strength: Letter #1

Letter #1 Homemaking is not my strength.

Dear 30 year old self-

I have a confession... homemaking is not my strength.  The dishes pile up in my sink, I forget to make my bed, and I absolutely HATE putting away laundry.  In fact, it takes every ounce of energy to remember to do these things. I would much rather play with Little man. read something interesting, get messy in my art journal, blog, be outside, create something, paint, and pretty much anything else there is to do besides spend the afternoon cleaning floors and folding laundry.

I didn't grow up in what some may think of as a "typical Mormon" home where the house was spotless and there was a plate of cookies and fresh baked bread waiting right as you walked through the door from school. (exaggerated I know- but that is how I envisioned other families to be like)

My mom grew up in a culture where there was hired help to cook, clean, drive, run errands, and garden. I often fantasize what that may be like... but at 30 years old- snap out of entourage of hired help are not knocking at my door anytime soon.

It's time to find the JOY IN HOMEMAKING. 

So to be totally serious about this qwest... I am taking the summer off from work and am on a mission to see if there is really indeed joy in homemaking and hopefully find that balance in my life I have been looking for! 

Wish me luck!


The deprived homemaker in you

Side note: 
This letter comes from an "ah ha" moment I recently had when I attended Womens' Conference at BYU a few months ago. It is a conference for women with several different topics. I had only signed up for one day due to a conflict of wanting to attend a play therapy conference instead. 

However, the Lord had other plans for me.  

 It was the final speaker of the day and I had this impression that I should get up and buy my ticket for the next day. "But why?" I thought- I am not planning on attending. And then the same thought came to me, I immediately got up crawling over people and chairs to make my way to the exit.  Needless to say, I bought my ticket for the next day. Then, I told God- "Okay if there is something I need to hear please help me choose and find my way to those classes." 
 Let me just say- I needed to be there. 
It was then that I made the decision to take another thing off my plate and take care of my home.

Besitos, xo


  1. You will find joy in homemaking!!

    It took me 52 years to realize that I do love cooking a nice meal every night for my hubby and to enjoy every bite. I do love playing loud rock music from Mana and I must admit even some rap music to keep me going as I clean the bathrooms and all there is to clean.

    But I have to admit, I live in a place where hired help is easy to find and I do have a woman that irons for us. My husband likes his pants to have that one straight line going across his pants and almost had a heart attack the other day when he found two lines on his pants. He is very tidy and keeps all his things in the same place. The house looks always so spotless and the rooms never get messy mostly because he is a huge help. We have a motto in our home. "Do your very best, and no whining."


    1. that was mom using Bianca's computer, so you know!
