
Monday, June 11, 2012

Wherever they are is home. (letter #4)

Dear 30 year old self- (letter #4)

I have been away for a few days from these two. Despite how much FUN I had with my sister's and my mom- I couldn't wait to get home. It seemed like such a long flight back home as I longed to be in Mister's arms again and kiss those soft cheeks of my Little Man. 

They are my home. 

Nothing is better than being right there nestled up to them both. 

Last night I couldn't resist...I let Little Man sleep in our bed. I slept right in the middle... well knowing that I was going to have the most terrible night of sleep (which I did) with Little Man tossing and turning- I didn't care. 

I stayed awake and took in the moment giving thanks for having them in my life. 

The morning came too quickly. It was time to get out of bed and part ways once again.

One thing I have learned is that it doesn't matter where I am... my home is wherever these two guys are.

I love my boys.

Sincerely, One lucky (30 year-old) gal.

besitos, xo

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