
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Talking Photography at Evo

Much traveling this summer has left little time for some blog love... BUT...with so much needed break- I AM BACK and feeling more energized than ever!  I'm ready to share great photos and stories that have come my way.

Most recently, I had the honor of attending and teaching photography workshops at the Evo Conference in the beautiful mountains of Park City, Utah last week. Being new to the mommy blog world- it was quite a fun experience being surrounded by social media power houses tweeting and instagraming their experience of the conference.  Together these women came to enjoy a weekend full of great company, empowering speakers, fun activities, amazing sponsors, and delicious desserts. Who could as for anything more?

Well, besides blue wigs and superhero capes...

and maybe mickey mouse. 
Little man couldn't believe his mom was so lucky. 

I just adore teaching! 
The topic I was asked to speak on was "Getting your Camera off AUTO and onto MANUAL."

Sounds scary for some I know... but I am here to tell you to DO IT- take off those training wheels! Remember that you are in fact smarter than your camera and that it's not as scary as it may seem. I dare you...double dog dare you. 

Why do such a thing you ask?
#1 reason for me is to become a more mindful photographer.  You will become in tune with your surroundings and subject and begin to feel instead of just looking through your viewfinder. 

Questions to ask yourself to evaluate as you set your camera settings is: Is your subject moving quickly or standing still? What is the quality of the light like? What are you wanting to portray in your photograph? What story are you telling?

After our presentations- we were able to take a group out to downtown Salt Lake City and downtown Park City to practice some hands on. We gave them the assignment of looking for lines and circles in their surroundings. 

Here are some I snapped along the way. 

"Don't forget to get down on the ground- What does the world look like from that view?"

"Pay close attention. Lines and circles could be right under you."

 Someone asked how to get blur in the background. 
"I like to open up my aperture which means lower the number. Remember: The LOWER the number- the MORE light is let in. So, an aperture of a 1.4 let's in MORE light than a 7.1."

"Look up."

"Or right in front of you."


More lines and circles

Don't be afraid to take photos of random scenes. Each tell a story and leave the mind thinking and feeling something about that scene. For instance, in this photo- I am left wondering what the waiter by the door is thinking and who left their bikes out, what is that man looking at on his phone?

Hope you had a great week!
Look forward to an amazing product review coming up next!

P.S. I have to give a shout out to my friend Kris who came out with me...well actually drove and assisted me as I was sluggish and loopy from pulling an all nighter the night before. 
Friends don't let other friends drive drunk  sleepy.
 Kris- you rock.

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