
Monday, August 6, 2012

Drawstring Bag DIY

Thanks for visiting! 
Today I am at How Does She talking to you about the game "Story in a Bag." Check it out to find more about it!

But don't worry- I will be going further with you this week about the importance of using story telling with your children and how to watch for themes and signs in their stories that may mean something is going on deeper than you know. 

But first you need a bag! 

Here is a simple bag you can make from a scrap piece fabric. 
Warning: I have limited sewing experience so don't look to closely at my skills... 
 here is how I made a bag for this game.

1. Cut out a rectangle and pin right sides together.

2. Sew up both sides until you reach about 2 inches from the top.

3. fold down seams and iron them flat
 4. Iron 1/4 inch of the top 
 5. Fold down over and iron again
 6. Sew across both sides to create casing for the sting to go therough. 
7. With the seam in the middle fold your bag like this: 
8. Measure and draw a line straight across parallel from the top. 
9. Cut on the line.
10. Sew each side along the line
11. Turn it right side out...and Voila! A bag!

12. Find some cord or string and thread it through the top casing.

 And enjoy your bag!



  1. love the colors you chose! What a great bag. I linked my readers to your post for a better instructions on making the bag. Thanks for the DIY

  2. I can't find your post on the other website for the game! :( I was hoping for more information on it for our upcoming roadtrip. :(
