
Monday, September 10, 2012

Channeling Lucille Ball...

I'll be over at How Does She right here talking about my:

It's where I use Reflection Boards or Soul Collages to process how I feel.

Here is more on one I did over the weekend.

I started with an initial large kitchen timer image. It looks like the one I have in my kitchen that helps me manage my time (more on that later) and I started by gluing it on the page. 

To me this timer represents lack of time and the desire to either stop time completely or find a way to get more of it.
I haven't figured out how to do that quite yet. ;)

I then added books in the corner and it reminded me of how I feel so much like a student still in my field and as a mom. You think you are going to get out of graduate school just knowing everything there is to know about the human psyche but life experiences continue to be my teacher. I feel like I learn new things each and every day from being a mom and a counselor.

Then, I added my girl Lucille Ball (or at least a look a like) and was drawn to her because of who she embodied as her character on "I Love Lucy"- I mean how can you not love her? Plus, I love that era and sometimes feel like I should have lived in the 1950s! I came across an article about Lucille and did you know that she didn't have her baby until one month before her fortieth birthday after several miscarriages? I knew she was my girl- there is always hope.

Then of course amongst her fabulous outfit I had to include her wearing a large "Mom bag" with  little toy robot sticking out of it. It represents to me the reality that motherhood brings but also the possibility of feeling feminine still and being able to laugh and have fun especially at those "Mom moments" like sporting around a ridiculous huge "Mom bag." You know what I am talking about.

I continued to add images and words until it felt complete. 

As I ponder on what I created in my reflection period- here are a few that come to my mind on what they could represent.

Anyhow- you will be seeing a lot more of this as I am beginning to get ready to launch my new website. Stay tuned.



  1. I really like this. I used to collage ALL THE TIME when I was a teenager and have been feeling the desire to again for a while - including wanting to get my boys into it. BUT we don't seem to have good magazines for it. The Friend, Ensign, several children's mags (mostly scientific).. okay, so we have some options but still I'll ask: What are your sources?

  2. LOL. I clicked the link to How Does She and feel even more empowered to do this! Thanks for all you do.

  3. I absolutely LOVE this is a great way to channel the abundance of creative energy that is constantly overwhelming my brain! :-) Absolutely brilliant!
