
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fundraising through music for Hurricane Sandy

As you may have seen on this post of How Does She- I am putting a little fundraiser together with my sister Bianca, a singer songwriter living in New York. She has been sharing with me the continual burdens that many families are still enduring this winter due to the devastation of Hurricane Sandy. Volunteering to clean out homes this past week, she was stunned at the devastation and destruction of many homes and neighborhoods who are still in shambles and some still without power! 

Bianca along with several other musicians have volunteered their time and talent and recorded a Christmas track for you to download for $1!  

And guess what? 

100% of the funds will go to families in need who were affected by hurricane Sandy! 

Now, grab a warm mug of hot chocolate and sit back and take a listen.

Didn't you love it? It can be all yours- just download it here and don't forget to spread the word and share this link with others! 

Bonus: If you are one of the first 200 downloads than you qualify for a FREE download code to give to a neighbor or friend! After you have downloaded the code email Bianca at and she will get you the code! 

Bianca in her blog writes: 
“When we first drove into these devastated neighborhoods and communities, I wanted to burst into tears. While the storm happened weeks ago and hardly affected me personally at all, it was hard to believe that not too far distant there were people who had lost nearly everything and who were still struggling to get their lives back together! I almost felt like I was in another country. I went back again on Friday (just a few days ago), and the roads were still covered in dirt and filled with piles of garbage, thrown out sofas, and broken up dry wall. The stench inside the home we went in was too much to bare- I couldn't have done it with out my mask. Most homes were flooded up to 4 feet of water, and as a result, there was now mold growing everywhere, nestled into every nook and cranny. The woman we helped on Friday said that she was sleeping temporarily on a plastic garbage bag on top of her soaking wet sofa. Not only does this sound miserable to sleep on a wet sofa, but her power didn't get turned back on until just a few days ago. Many still don't have hot water either! The thought of taking a cold shower in the winter is chilling. During our time working with "Mormon Helping Hands," we worked on taking out the walls and insulation leaving the homes with less mold but more vulnerable to the cold. Although I was able to return home to my warm and well lit apartment, the images of these homes were haunting, and I decided I wanted to try to do something more to help."

There are still so many families in need this holiday season. Want to see what I am talking about- watch this:

To find out more on the stories and the follow up of the families that were touched this holiday season you can follow Bianca Merkley's quest to spread a little cheer this holiday season with her music on her blog right here or check back here as I will be giving you more updates!


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