
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

World of Thanks- GIVEAWAY

I attended a Play Therapy conference a few weeks ago and they had some great vendors selling toys and books for children. I was in heaven.
 I came across this:

It was just what I needed to get Little Man involved in saying Thank You to others and understanding the meaning of gratitude. 

We went through a list of people we wanted to thank and he just loved creating his ocean with all the fun sea life stickers. 

He even wrote a little secret message that only he could read. A child is never to young to learn what gratitude is.

We are making progress even at out nightly gatherings. Every night we go around and talk about what were were grateful for that day. At first he didn't get it. Then he would point to me and say, " I am grateful for mommy." But now he can branch out and think of different things he is grateful for. It is always fun to listen to what a two year old is grateful for.

So- who wants one of these fun Thank You card kits??

Well good news!  I AM GIVING AWAY a set- The North American Animal Kit so you can make Thank You cards with your kiddos!

You are going to love how well made and fun they are for you and your kiddos!

It's free for you- all you have to do is enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

besitos, xo

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