
Thursday, February 21, 2013

We are on Shark Tank this Friday!!

Okay confession- I am not actually on Shark Tank but my husband's company Proof is. (If you don't know what that is- it's the hit ABC reality show where you can pitch your idea and investors choose to invest or not in your company-it's awesome- totally recommend you check it out!)

The Mister and his brothers are going to be on Shark Tank this Friday (TOMORROW!) Feb. 22nd on ABC!! Go here for a  teaser but be sure to tune in tomorrow!!

Another confession- this monthly challenge has not been easy and we are not doing so awesome with family in town and Shark Tank airing this Friday. I knew this may take a few months to figure out- so we will see what this next few weeks are like after the Shark Tank!

I don't have a lot of time this morning to write- but I have been meaning to brag for a moment about my Mister you for months now of how proud I am of him. I am one lucky gal. Don't be jealous- but he's a big deal... Okay,  a big deal to me anyway. ;) I just want him to know I am proud of him and love him and can't wait to see his face on national television tomorrow night!

That's all.

Besitos, xo

1 comment:

  1. Super cool! We'll definitely watch. It's a fun show! :)
