
Monday, November 4, 2013

My little knight in shining armor.

My little knight and shining armor,

I just wish sometimes I could freeze time. 
I love this age. 
I love that you still like to hold my hand. I love that you still want to snuggle in the mornings. I love that  I am your best friend. I love watching you learn and discover new things. I love that you make me laugh every day. I just love the little man you are becoming. 

But...don't grow up too fast okay.

I often wonder what the world will be like 12 years from now when you will be a young adult. You face such a different world then when I was your age. I hope and pray that I can prepare you to keep on your armor and be ready to fight any fiery dragons that come your way. 

I love you no matter what. I am grateful for the privilege to be your mommy.

Just some  thoughts this morning.
Your mommy

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