
Monday, January 6, 2014

Vision Board 2014: Motherhood

Holidays are over and done. Sheesh someone should have warned me that the whole Santa gig... is a whole lot of work!

Now it's time to ease back into every day life... it's hard to do. I feel a slight emptiness. I miss my husband who is away at work. I miss my three- year-old who is away at preschool. I miss my sisters and family who are stuck in the Domincian Republic still due to flight cancelations. (I secretly wish I was there) I miss the anticipation of Christmas and New Years. I miss Christmas music and the smells.

But here we are...time moves on whether we are ready or not.
2014. Hello.
What do you have in store for me?

This week's art journal will be on creating a mission and vision for 2014. Without a vision or a mission- how will I know where to go?

 I will be on How Does She tomorrow sharing how to get started and since I created 5 mini boards for each area of my life that I want to focus on- I will post one each day this week and share a little more about what I am striving for.
 Starting with today...

My first board is on Motherhood. It is something that is always on the forefront of my mind and a rather easy board to pull together.

I asked myself this: What do I see, feel, smell, hear, and taste this year in regards to being a mother. 

 This is what I envision.

in 2014 I hope 
to see:

to feel:
-the wind in my face as we bike ride
-the grass under my toes as we play outside
-the sand in my hands as we build sand castles
-the embraces of my little ones
-my lips against those chubby cheeks

to smell:
- warm dinner on the table
-clean home
-clean babies from the bath tub
-the outdoors

to hear:
-family prayers
-my son's jokes and chatter at bedtime
-splashes from a pool
-kind words

to taste:
-fresh bread
-homemade pizza
-weekly donuts

besitos. xo

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