
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Vision Board 2014: Career and Community

Last summer, before my baby was born, was the last official counseling session I had with a child/teen in person. It would be a lie if I said I didn't miss it (them) terribly. It would be another lie if I said I am not loving staying home with my two little ones. For me as a mother, it was the only way to keep sanity. I just wasn't bred to juggle a career outside the home and raise up my little ones. Counseling will always be there for me...the stages of my boys being little...will not. So, I came to the difficult decision to let go of my private practice (for now) and say goodbye to working at the hospital for now. 

The next chapter in my life begins as I find other avenues to make a share what I know and inspire others without it pulling me away from my kids. One thing is for sure...whatever I do- I must have a passion for it, find joy in, and use creativity. So another one of my vision boards for 2014 is for this very thing...Career and Community.

And I have to tell you that yesterday morning I woke up to a prompting to look up a counseling workshop this month...and what do you know-it was exactly the topic I needed to know about starting up a virtual counseling/coaching business on-line! 
So...the vision begins to unfold! I can't wait!

-my business developing and growing
-the connections and friends I have made
-the rise in my blog following
-the lives that have been touched
-my own personal creative space
-endless possibilities
-donating my time and money to a good cause

-the keyboard under my fingertips
-the paper as I flip through pages of books
-the feeling of inspiration
-joy as I share, create, and inspire
-connection to others
-inspiration by my readers, mentors, and clients

-fresh paint on my art journal
-the Scentsy candle in my office
-of success (not sure what that smells like...just sounded good)

-the snapping sound of my camera
-the voices of my clients, students, and friends
-sound of the keyboard
-music playing on the background
-seminars and workshops I continue to attend
-the stories others share with me

-the snacks I have at my desk
-the lunches I have with colleagues
-the treats I bring to groups and classes I teach

The possibilities are endless.

besitos, xo

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