
Friday, January 10, 2014

Vision Board 2014: Faith

The final vision board has been something I have been shy and a bit hesitant about sharing...mostly because it is something so personal to me. And secondly, I don't want to offend someone.

 But in all honestly-this is me. Take it or leave it. 

In order to be completely genuine with myself- I had to have a vision board in this category of spirituality and faith. 
It is my rock. And one of my secrets to what keeps me grounded and happy in my life. 
So here it is.

I see:
-a Christ-centered home
-my daily blessings
-me kneeling in prayer
-making time to serve others
-attending the temple
-His plan for me
-reading and studying scriptures daily
-planting seeds with my children
-gathering together as a family
-spending time outside in nature

I feel:
-an understanding my personal mission
-pages of the scriptures under my fingertips
-sturdy on a strong foundation and steady on a path
-faithful in His plan for me
-in tune with the spirit
-ready to serve on His errand daily

I smell:
-my home as we gather together as a family
-my church building as we gather on Sundays
-dinner in the oven for missionaries

I hear:
-chit chat from the youth in my church as I serve them
-my voice as I share with others my testimony
-silence as I ponder and meditate often
- a still small voice guiding me 
-the words of our church leaders inspiring me
-myself giving thanks daily for my blessings

I taste:
-treats I make for others
-dinner I prepare for the missionaries
-cinnamon rolls during conference weekend

My Vision Board for 2014 is complete. It hangs in my office so I can see it.

It is now time to start my Art Journal challenge... Do you have yours yet?

besitos, xo


  1. Love the idea of a vision board like a type of mission statement. God job!

  2. I love that you've created lists using all the senses for each vision board. I'm going to try that! It really brings the vision to life.

  3. Thanks for sharing your vision board with us, what a great idea. I feel very inspired!
