
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Motherhood: Through Small and Simple Things

Isn't this so true?
Sometimes, all the PB&J making, laundry folding, bug catching, children book reading, and nightly bed tucks seem so small in comparison to what the rest of the world is doing. 

Am I really making a difference in the world?

But this quote from the book Mother Realized reminds me that those small things really do have an effect on our future generations and are really making a difference in the world!

I am honored to be joining other deliberate mothers through The Power of Moms  and have had a chance to pre-read this book before it came out! I love it and am now am telling the world about it! We are on track to get it to a New York Best Sellers!

 So, hurry and help us spread the word and order now (here)!!  I am grabbing several for Mother's Day gifts!

 Here is a little video to tell you more about what this little gem is about:

besitos, xo

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