
Monday, March 17, 2014

Music and Movement: Dance like a leprechaun!

In case you missed this post on How Does She...

I am sharing this again... because it is....ST. PATRICKS DAY.

They sit. They sit in the car. They sit at school.  They sit in front of the computer. They sit in front of the TV. They sit and play video games. They sit and play on their smart phones or tablets. They sit. Has it occurred to anyone that our kids are not moving as much as we did as when we were kids? is anyone else concerned? 
Studies show that kids who have more opportunity to move will be more likely to become confident movers and have more physical ability and coordination. Therefore, these kids will be more likely to enjoy moving later on in their life and have a healthier life because of it.
It is up for us as parents to get our kids moving! One thing we do a lot in our house is DANCING!! In celebration again of St. Patricks Day...I bring back this video with Bee's music for you to play and dance along with your kids!! You are their best example!! Plus it is fun!
Happy Monday! Enjoy.

besitos, xo

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