
Friday, April 11, 2014

Naptime Confession:Mommy is a PERSON.

"Mommy is a person."

This phrase was an Ah Ha moment I had while reading "Motherhood Realized,"  when April Perry was asked by her husband what she needed that week. I first love that question, but I particularly loved what happened next. She responded with, " Well, to survive, I need...." And then he looked at her and said, "April, I don't want you to only survive, I want you to THRIVE." 

Wow...that hit me...why do we as mothers forget that we also have things in our life that make us thrive... things that make us feel alive?

 These things have become a far distant memory as I find myself immersing completely in the trenches with my children day after day. I think that is why I am so spotty in writing on this blog. I love doing it- it makes me feel alive...but sometimes, I don't expect or make room for anything else in my life. Even the simplest things such as painted nails, bubble baths, hobbies, yoga, uninterrupted phone calls, uninterrupted bathroom breaks, solo shopping trips, reading, writing in this blog, and moments of sitting in pure silence all get placed on the back burner...until one day we crack and all our frustrations comes pouring out.

We all have been there.

Seriously... why do we do that to ourselves? We ARE people too you know! 

This phrase, "Mommy is a person," was explained by April to her children at the dinner table one evening. She asked to make sure that before they began that they had all they needed to make it through dinner so she could enjoy eating without having to get up and down... because..."Mommy is a person."

Haha- I laughed when I read that because..

That is so true. 

I am always up and down throughout dinner getting napkins, ice, ketchup- whatever. 

But no way not anymore...

My job description as a mother doesn't need to include: having absolutely zero free time,  dropping whatever I am in the middle of to retrieve something for a child, taking 2 minute showers or frankly no showers at all, skipping going to the gym because it is inconvenient, having children wait outside the door while I go to the bathroom, be the constant entertainment and the constant planner for everyone's schedule but my own, and ignoring those parts of myself that make me thrive as a mother and as a person.  

So today ask yourself...WHAT DO YOU NEED TO THRIVE? 

This story among many others is in the book Motherhood Realized! It is a must read! Don't forget that I am giving away one of these books right now... and it ends tonight- so hurry!

Go to this post to enter!

besitos, xo

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