This is a video that my talented sister in law Darlene shot and edited for us. You have to check out her work here: - isn't she so talented? I watch this video all the time and each time it makes me cry. I just love my family.
So, we decided to send Valentine Cards with Letters that Mister writes every year- and this year I sadly ran out WAY before I could finish sending them to our list of dear friends and family. There were some key people we wanted to send them too... ugh, and am sad we ran out with not enough time to order new prints. I really need to have a better system with an actual list of addresses that is all together and that I update regularly- any cool aps or programs out there besides excel (which I don't mind using) that can keep track of all that?? I need help with address lists and birthday lists! That should be a monthly challenge in the near future.
So now I reveal to you... anyone who wants a good (and may I add humorous) read- here is our annual Valentine's Day 2013 letter written by the Mister.
Dame Family Valentine’s letter 2013
It is February so you know what that means right? Black History month! True, but I’m not really qualified to send you a letter on that subject. But it is the month of love and since this is the second Valentine’s letter we’ve done, I think we can officially call it our annual Valentine letter. Plus who doesn’t like getting a Valentine? We would include small candy hearts with messages, but the Post Office wouldn’t allow us to mail them out. I guess they sometimes produce a white powdery substance and then everyone gets all freaked out and they have to call in the bomb squad to remove it. Long story short its frowned upon at the USPS. So unfortunately for you it’s just a crummy picture of us and this letter, NO CANDY. I’m sure you wish you were enjoying this with a chalky candy heart right about now.
LITTLE MAN- Is a fun kid. He turns 3 this month. He’s been telling anyone who will listen it’s his birthday for about 2 weeks now. Birthday and birth month are 2 different things, but we don’t have the heart to correct him, since he’s so cute about sharing the news. His favorite word to say is Awkward. It’s a great word and all don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of him, but it really is awkward when he uses it in the right context and at the right time in public making things actually more awkward than they previously were since it’s a 2 year old pointing out an awkward moment to an adult. Onlookers often will agree with him. He loves Egg Nog which makes his Dad proud and his Mom dry heave. But since we froze a good supply this year after the holidays we should be good until it returns to store shelves. He is very into helping around the house and most of the time loves to vacuum, clean, do dishes, or take out the trash. These tasks usually take 10x’s longer than if Cristi or I would do them ourselves, but hopefully he gets good at them quick, so we don’t have to do them at all in the future. He traveled to Thailand with us this January where he rode and fed elephants and tried a lot of new foods. We also stopped in China where the Chinese shop girls took pictures with him and gave him treats as payment. He figured out really quick when a girls says, “Cute boy, Cute boy, come, come”- he was going to get something so he wasn’t shy about wandering into different shops for photo ops. The kid traveled like a champ on the 20 + hrs of flights and layovers. He traveled so well I think I may send him on my next business trip and I’ll stay home. I just need to teach him power point and not to say awkward so much. Heck he’s potty trained and almost 3 what could go wrong? Nixon’s 2012 Likes: Trucks, Hummus, Rockets, Baking, Elephants, Curious George, and hiding from me when I come home from work. (Lucky for me he always hides in his bed so I don’t have to search too hard. But he laughs every time I pull back the covers and acts shocked that I found him again). He’s a really easy going and a good kid and we are blessed to have him in our family.
CRISTI- Has had a pretty busy year. She has made the decision to put her counseling practice on hold to be home, and between chasing Nixon, taking photos, church callings, and writing for a few blogs such as and her own she manages to teach a parenting class once a week and still manages to have dinner ready for Nixon and me. (Don’t tell her but sometimes if she gets way too busy I tell her I’ll make dinner and then I get a pizza at Papa Murphy’s and tell her I made it, I don’t think she’s caught on yet). Happy wife, Happy life that’s the motto. She reached a big milestone this year turning 30. She celebrated it in True Cristi fashion and flew to New York to visit her sisters and mom. They went to Newsies on Broadway (Yes, they made that Disney movie with Christian Bale into a musical, go figure) which she came back singing songs from the musical for weeks on end. She also presented at a few conferences this year on parenting as well as photography, which she really enjoys. We got called to teach the 7 year olds at Sunday school this year and I think they really wanted Cristi to teach and me to keep the kids from talking too much, but we do a pretty good job tag teaming. She came with me on a trip to Germany for Proof and we managed to visit a few other European countries along the way, which was a good time. We visited a concentration camp on our last day in Germany which was a really cool experience as well. Taking our trip to Thailand with the fam was great and we saw all the sites and ate great food. Cristi scheduled some visits to 2 orphanages in between some of the activities we had planned. She is always thinking of helping others and it is probably the reason I married her as I need help all the time. Cristi also either started eating a lot of bean burritos recently or is pregnant. I was going to go burritos since I know how much she likes them with horchata, but thought I should get a second opinion, so we went to doctor’s and she confirmed that it was definitely a baby in her belly and not a burrito. So we are excited to be expecting our second boy in June. If you have baby name suggestions shoot them over our way. We are thinking of steering clear of names of former presidents or watch companies this go around but everything else is fair game.
MISTER- I’m working full time in HR. My dream of becoming an interpretive dancer is starting to fade. This body just won’t let me do the things that are in my heart. Woodgrain has been a fun job, its fun to work with great people as well as family. This year I did pass out for no apparent reason on the job. One minute I was chatting with someone and the next my head was bouncing off the floor. The Paramedics came and everything, it was pretty exciting, but mostly embarrassing. A 6’4” dude falling over and bonking his head I’m told isn’t a pretty sight. Other than passing out things have gone pretty smooth at work. Proof Eyewear continues to be a fun adventure that takes up a lot of my free time and weekends. A year ago we moved out of the garage and into an office. Since then we moved again to a larger office. The hobby that started in the garage has morphed into a legit business that my brothers Tanner and Taylor are running. We’ve got about 8 employees and this year went to Germany for a trade show and to California to appear on a TV show. We pitched Proof to the Sharks on ABC’s show Shark Tank and our episode premieres Feb 22nd so tune in to see if we got a deal or not. Who knows you may even see me pass out on national television, I’m known to do that every once in a while.
We feel blessed as a family and have gotten a lot of love from our Heavenly Father and our family and friends this past year. So in this month, be sure to celebrate Black History and Love.
Check out our family video shot by our Sis in law Dar:

ahaha Cristi, your husband is hilarious :)