
Friday, October 28, 2011


I am a sucker for vintage things...always have been.
So, this summer my sister-in-law Dar and I found these pair of WOODEN glasses at a vintage shop this summer and took it to the Proof Crew (AKA our husbands)...

and they came up with these... "The Gatos"...
and here is some amazing news....
there is a FREEBIE FRIDAY giveaway at my other blog Truly Modly Deeply. (Haven't been there? Go here. )
Hurry...head over there- first 500 followers are automatically in the running for a pair of these Gatos by Proof Sunglasses.

If you are a Weeds to Wishes follower (if you aren't...then go here) and have entered...
 Leave a comment letting me know that you entered and I will put your name in the drawing TWICE for being a loyal double follower!!

Happy Freebie Friday!
