
Monday, October 31, 2011

A New Day by Bianca Merkley

Well, hello there! Happy Halloween...Okay I have to confess that today's Music Monday is not really Halloween related at all...BUT if you would like to hear something Halloween in addition to today's post go here.

Today, I am stoked to introduce you to something really quite special and dear to me...
one of my sister Bianca Merkley's songs on her NEW ALBUM!!

It hasn't even come out you are one of the FIRST to have a listen...and let me tell you... you are gonna LOVE it!
I chose to have you listen to "A new day" because I thought it was fitting for a Monday... plus it is the first track on the new album. She wrote it last winter to help her get through some of those painfully cold NY Winter days. And let me tell you- we were there last Christmas....and it was sooooo COLD and I am from Salt Lake and know what cold is...but this was frigid cold.
In this song she sings, "I can choose to put grey colored glasses on to keep the sun from shining down...or I could choose to put rose colored glasses on, to help me see the flowers, they're coming up...and they're telling me...that today is mine..."

I thought it goes a long nicely with the theme of this blog...
Do you choose to see a Weed or a Wish?
Have a listen:

I told you she is awesome.
When can you get your hands on this goodness?
You are in for a treat...because this FRIDAY'S FREEBIE will be a signed copy of Bianca's NEW ALBUM!!!

So, come back to see me real soon and find out details on Friday!

Her album "Pieces of Me" is available on 11/11/11 which is also the day where Bianca and Mindy Gledhill will be doing their cd release concerts in New York.

I really really really wanted to be there...but it doesn't look like it's going to work out after all... So, if you are in the New York area...YOU HAVE TO BE THERE FOR ME! Paleeeeze?

Bianca's Photos were  taken by Cristi Dame



  1. does she have a children cd? because if she doesn't, she should. i love her music mondays. i showed my niece and she was dancing and so happy!

  2. Gabba gabba so excited for this album!

  3. Thanks for the comments! I don't have a children's CD Megan...yet...but,

    I'm actually hoping to record one in the future, maybe in a year or two?
