
Thursday, October 20, 2011

FRIDAY FREEBEE...GIVEAWAY Ends Tuesday Oct. 25th at midnight.

I stumbled upon this book called The Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg and let me just say it is really teaches kids (and adults) the importance of making mistakes and turning an accidental spill or a smudge into a BEAUTIFUL piece of work. I truly believe it takes COURAGE to not do everything perfectly all the time...and this is such a great reminder.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

So, this bookcan be all yours.... all you have to do is: 
1)  Become a follower (if you haven't already) here
2) Leave a comment about a time that you experienced a "Beautiful Oops" or something that you are NOT perfect at.


Here is a video of the book with music...




  1. My Beautiful Oops Moment....In elementary school I misspelled the word "aisle" in a spelling bee... I NEVER forget how to spell that work now.

  2. i love this book-how cute! i can't think of an oops moment. maybe when i rode my bike home wearing my sisters yellow skirt, and it got stuck in the tire and i stained it with bike grease. i just ended up buying her a new one after hiding it from her for a week! haha.

  3. See look imperfection...I spelled "word" as "work". Takes courage to leave it...ha!

  4. I love this book as well! I seriously want to show Joe tonight. So the best oops moments for me happen in music...sometimes when playing a song or writing a song, I'll play a "wrong" note or note that I hadn't intended on playing...and at least 25% the time I end up keeping the mistake because it turns out to be just what the song needed.

  5. I'm in. Looks darling. As for oops moments . . . Many of mine have occurred when I tried to avoid conflict, didn't deal with something directly, only to have to blow up and become a much bigger conflict than if I'd just dealt with it straight up. Wish I could say I was getting better at this . . . maybe just a tiny bit?

  6. so fun! i feel like my life is full of "oops" moments but as i get older i'm better at being okay with not being perfect at everything. probably my biggest oops moment is just being a mom in general! it's such a learning and growing experience - and if i let myself be okay with learning, it's much more enjoyable. but i had to laugh at your spelling bee mishap. same thing happened to me in 5th grade. i came in 4th overall (so no trophy) because i misspelled accreditation. i NEVER misspell that anymore.

  7. I love those "oops" moments...keep em coming!!

  8. Love this book! I was in a 4th grade spelling bee and I was given the word 'church', I was so excited because I knew what this word was, I went to church every Sunday, in my excitement (and trying to show off) I spelled it quickly - C - U - R - C - H, I was pretty proud of myself, when I then realized I had spelled it wrong - this beautiful oops taught me to take my time in everything I do :)

  9. I think my most beautiful oops, was when I discovered I do have artistic/creative abilities. I never thought of myself as someone with artistic abilities until I started created and people started telling me how artistic I was - lesson learned: always believe in yourself!

  10. Haha...I am loving these comments...Put a smile on my face today!

  11. My "beautiful oops" is parenting! Before I had my son, I'd never even held a baby before, let alone changed a diaper or dealt with the day-to-day of having a child. It's definitely been trial-and-error (some days more "error"!), but he's the most beautiful evidence that sometimes my "oopses" aren't so bad after all - he'll never remember that sometimes his clothes don't match, but he will remember experiencing lots and lots of life! :)

  12. Wow, I need this book! What a great reminder that we don't always have to be perfect. My 'oops' moment (maybe someone can help me figure out how it can be beautiful) happened when we lived in Mexico. I was doing my weekly grocery shopping and I had my 3 year old and my baby with me. My baby was in his car seat in the 'seat' part of the shopping cart making it so I couldn't exactly see where I was going. While trying to find what I needed and keep track of my three year old, I ran my shopping cart into a full display of shampoo bottles that was smack dab in the middle of the aisle at just the right height that I couldn't see it. Shampoo bottles went everywhere and made quite the racket. My three year old wasn't sure what to think and my baby started crying (I almost started crying as well). I don't speak very good Spanish and had NO idea what to say to someone. I couldn't start cleaning it up because the cardboard display box was ruined as well. I ended up just walking away (almost crying) and leaving the store. We went grocery shopping another time!

  13. This book looks amazing! I can't think of any oops momemts right now....
