
Saturday, October 22, 2011

My little piece of therapy...

So wanna know what I do for my own personal therapy these days? Art journaling. I started an art journal a few years back... and it has enhanced my love for art therapy even more- something that I use on a regular basis in my counseling practice. 

I have such a love for art journals and I think you should too...okay don't be afraid of the word "art." I know the first thing that you are thinking right now... "but I am not an artist" or "I am far from being creative"- excuses excuses....that is the beauty of this book... it is not meant to be pretty. In fact, the less pretty, the less perfect, the less symmetrical- the better. Think of it not as an "Art Journal" but more of a little Book of Random thoughts...or the "Just Is Journal." Hmmmm still not sure what to call it...I will work on that. 

I am going to be walking you through how to create one of these babies...however, I have THREE rules before beginning:
#1. No placing judgement on your art   random book- rid yourself from that inner critic.
#2. No placing judgement on yourself... like saying : "I am not an artist" or "I am not as good as..."
#3. Dare to experiment with color, brushes, fonts, images, stamps- whatever....constantly ask yourself "I wonder what happens when I..." See where it takes you. No pre-planning involved- just all in the moment.

Lastly...Before you begin- you GOT to read the children's book  "Beautiful Oops." I am doing a giveaway right now with this book... enter right here.  It is amazing and will hopefully rid your fear of your inner critic tell you that you are NOT "an artist"- whatever that means. You are. Everyone is.

Here is list of supplies that I used for these pages and may be helpful to begin a book of_______ (fill in the blank):

Sketchbook with mixed media paper (thicker paper is my fave)
Acrylic Paint
Rub Ons
Magazine Clippings
Modge Podge
Watercolor Crayons

Now go gather supplies...and I will meet you back here next week and get you started!! For now GO to the giveaway for that amazing little book!



  1. I love this idea. I can't wait for next week so we can get started!

  2. Me too!! You guys will love it!

  3. I love my art journal, my mom gave me mine :)
