
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Teaching Empathy skills through our BabbaBox.

So you know that GIVEAWAY going on right now with BabbaCo for a Babbabox? You don't?...Well get over there and enter right {here} because they are absolutely one of my new favorite things!

And do you want to know what my most favorite thing about this box this month was?


I am obsessed with children's book and use a lot of bibliotherapy  in the work I do with children. This book is absolutely one of the best books in teaching young children about empathy that I have seen in a long time. 

It has pictures and scenerios that young children can relate to. 

My son really related to this page for some reason and could see how sad that little boy was feeling sad due to his broken airplane. He could also see how the Big Bear was listening, nurturing, and helping him feel better. So fabulous!

I even have pulled this book out on more than one occassion when I felt that Little Man wasn't understanding how another person was feeling- (like many two-year olds when it comes to sharing) and he imediately began to slow down and get caught up in the book and talk to me about feelings.   

He even started to share with me different facial expressions...he is especially good with his sad face. Huh...that's how he suckers me in.

Anyhow- go on over {here} and enter to win! I love them and I know you will love them too!!

**Also for those of you who want to know what book this was- It is called: "When I care about Others" by Cornelia Maude Spelman and illustraded by Kathy Parkinson. It's inexpensive and a fabulous teaching tool for young children.

Besitos, xo

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