
Monday, July 23, 2012

This couch...some may see a weed- I see a wish.

I am over here today on How Does She revealing my office makeover using the Chip it program from Sherwin-Williams. If you don't know what that is- check out this post here.
This is the color scheme I decided to get inspiration from to make over my ugly boring office.

...And it all started with this guy.

This is was the first thing to enter into my new space. I adopted this fabulous piece from a local antique market for a great deal...well that is because it needed A LOT of work. 

I have to admit to you that when Mister saw this couch...he pretty much told me it was a lemon and to just scrap it. He didn't think that it was worth the hassle and money of repairing. Not really what I was hoping to hear...but I then reminded him of his love for old vintage cars- one in particular that is taking up space in our garage and only been driven a handful of times.

He never said another word about the couch again.

There as no way I was going to give up on this little couch... although I have to admit- he was right... it needed a lot of work... and possibly money. When we took a look at the inside frame- it was still in it's original padding... which looked to me like a nest of nasty hair pulled out of a drain. Sorry... gross... moving on.

Oh and the fabric was the hardest part...I searched and searched for a fabric that was actually in stock (I had only a week to find what I needed) and just as I was about to give up- I found this.  Little did I know that birds would be a huge theme in this room- I'll explain in another post.

Tada- Here is the couch finished thanks to Best Upholstery. I was happy to see the colors from my color pallet coming together.

I moved my desk and placed the couch in this corner close to the natural light. I envision myself curling up to read. 

Relief. It's done. And despite what the mister says...I love it.

xo besitos,

P.S. Don't forget about the giveaway going on right now until the 30th right here for the coolest Babbaco Box by Jessica Kim - You don't want to miss it!  


  1. You didn't post about it here, but I need to know where you got that awesome bookshelf you added to your office. I absolutely love it and have been looking for something like that for a while!!

  2. Kate-
    I got my bookshelf from a local company called Model Home Furnishings. If you want more info- I can see if I can find out more where they got it from- email me!
