
Friday, January 24, 2014

Art Journal Prompt: 2014 Free Writing

I love opening my art journal to that bright yellow page of sunshine-{post here}....Oh how I have been craving those warm sunny days and looking at this page just makes my day! Now time to add on to it...

Find a quiet 15 minute block.
 Music- check.
Snack- check.
Journal- check.

Materials needed:
one image
glue or tape
a sharpie or pen

Find ONE image from anywhere that inspires you. I chose this one.

 Tape or glue it on to the page. 

Write out the new year anywhere on the page... or ALL OVER the page! Whatever floats your boat.

Then free flow any thought that comes to your mind as quickly as possible. Don't stop to think- just write. Don't worry about spelling or handwriting. Heck, just write in all different directions if you wish- no rules here! 

15 minutes is up. Put your pen cap on and just sit there. 
Sit with gratitude in your heart for the past year and all that occurred (good or bad)...and give gratitude for the year you are currently in and all the endless possibilities that your road will take you on. 

Make it a great weekend! 

Besitos, xo


  1. I know this year will be full of happy memories. I can feel it!

  2. Gratitude can completely change one's focus in life. Wonderful post.
