Flash Back Friday
The date was 12/8/2011
Note: At this time I had cut back working to mostly one day a week- Thursdays. I remember feeling like I would wake up feeling a little preoccupied with trying to get ready for work but at the same time trying to soak up every last minute I had with my Little Man before I left. I felt so torn. When I was done seeing my last kiddo at work- I would literally race home to see him again.
Thursdays were over....now on to Friday. I love Fridays. You would think that one day would be just the right amount of time of work for a mom... but for some reason I still felt out of balance. Is that normal? Maybe my child is not a "mama's boy" but rather I am a "boy's mama" and can't seem to let him go. Or maybe it was the mom guilt I had every time I was dropping him off to his daycare. Or maybe it was that I am not organized enough and just can't seem to find the time to do everything I want to do in the week and one day less from home seemed to be impossible. I don't know. I'm still figuring that out. For those moms who seem to be able to do it all... my hats off to you. I don't know how you do it.
Anyhow here it is:
Note: At this time I had cut back working to mostly one day a week- Thursdays. I remember feeling like I would wake up feeling a little preoccupied with trying to get ready for work but at the same time trying to soak up every last minute I had with my Little Man before I left. I felt so torn. When I was done seeing my last kiddo at work- I would literally race home to see him again.
Thursdays were over....now on to Friday. I love Fridays. You would think that one day would be just the right amount of time of work for a mom... but for some reason I still felt out of balance. Is that normal? Maybe my child is not a "mama's boy" but rather I am a "boy's mama" and can't seem to let him go. Or maybe it was the mom guilt I had every time I was dropping him off to his daycare. Or maybe it was that I am not organized enough and just can't seem to find the time to do everything I want to do in the week and one day less from home seemed to be impossible. I don't know. I'm still figuring that out. For those moms who seem to be able to do it all... my hats off to you. I don't know how you do it.
Anyhow here it is:
Dear little man,
It is a Thursday.
Thursdays are always bitter-sweet for me.
It is the day I go to the hospital and play with little kiddos who need my help.
I miss you already and you haven't even woken up yet.
Will you wake up already so we can play?
I promise today when I am with you- you are the only thing in my world.
Pinkie swear.
I will think about you all day long and know you will be having so much fun with playgrounds, toys, and friends.
I love you, and can't wait to race home and hold you in my arms again.
Besitos mi amor. xoxo,
Your mama

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