About Me

This is blog is not intended to be another blog that promotes more mommy guilt! I wish I had all the answers to motherhood and to life...

I don't. 

I am just a girl who happens to be a child counselor who loves photography and is attempting to inspire, live, and enjoy the life I have created and continue to create for myself. I choose to look at the Wishes instead of the Weeds.

This is my journey.

This blog is dedicated to my children- those born and unborn. 
I want them to be able to look back on and know how much I love being their mother and despite all the ordinary "weeds" parenting and life can bring...I am striving to focus on the magical "wishes." 

If I can inspire anyone in the process- I have fulfilled part of the purpose of sharing my story.

More about Me...if you even want to know.
i am a mother. 
When I found out the news that I was pregnant with my first child, I had just finished graduate school and hadn’t even had a chance to start my career in counseling yet. I had mixed feelings and felt resentment about motherhood and putting off my career. Then at my 21 week check up, I received news that there were “soft markers” with my son and the possibility of complications or even fetal death. After several tears and waiting for test results, the doctors were scratching their heads and the unknown laid heavy on my shoulders for the next 5 months of my pregnancy. 
 It was then, that I bargained with my Heavenly Father... promising him that I would never let a day go by where I took being a mother for granted if he would only allow my baby to come down safely to me. 
My son, is now an active two-year old that keeps me on my toes.
One day in going for a walk with him- I wished upon a dandelion that I would take advantage of each and every day and mindfully enjoy being a mother.
...and I meant it.

 i am a counselor. 
i believe that the most important relationship children will ever have in their lives is the one with their parents and i am passionate in helping parents find that joy in bonding with their kids. i believe in the power of play. i believe in the power of using art, music, and sand to explore life's journey. i want to bring therapy to the home for parents to be able to continue to build lasting relationships with their children and create happy memories that will last a life time.  You can find out more about my practice at:

i am photographer.

 It has been almost 15 years since i began capturing the human experience and all its forms and expressions: beauty, love, happiness, humility, innocence, and sorrow. My photos are truly an extension of myself and i love it! However, i have currently decided to take only a limited amount of sessions a year to be able to be mindful of my time and put my family first. 

Get to know more about my photography by visiting my website www.cristidamephotography.com and my photo blog::