Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to take care of your man- in the words of Mami Gloria

As a child, I spent many of summers in El Salvador living in my Mami Gloria's home. Every afternoon everyone would come home for "siesta" and sit down to warm lunch for a chance to put their feet up until it was time to go back to work. Although my grandma was a very busy business owner, she not only always was fashionably dressed but she always was home when my grandpa- (Papi Meme) came home.  

Together they would eat lunch and she would spend the afternoon by his side nurturing him with masajitos (massages) or mini facials. As old-fashioned as that sounds- she genuinly loved doing it. And old-fashioned she is anything but. In fact, to this day you can find her wearing denim jeans and sylish shades while sporting a flaming red hairdo. Although, her role as a wife seems very 1950's thing is for sure- she adored my grandpa. I would often find these two holding hands in the car or arm in arm while they relaxed at the beach house.  Taking care of him was not considered a task but in her eyes the least she could do to show her love. 
 I think there is something to be learned here.

I thought there was no better person to ask relationship advice than Mami Gloria. So I asked her  to give us "mujeres modernas" (modern women) some advice on how to keep our man happy and therefore have a happy relationship.

Her response:

1. "El hombre es como un nino grande. Hay que alimentarle tanto su estomago como su ego. Hay que hacerlo sentir bien"
(The man is like a big kid. It is necessary to feed his stomach like his ego. You must make him feel good.)

2. "Cuando el hombre esta enojado, salirse del ring. No seguir discutiendo, eso envena la relacion. Despues cuando esta calmado proseguir con el argumento."
(When the man is angry, get out of the "ring." Don't continue arguing; it's poison to the relationship. Then when he's calm continue with your argument.

3. Tratar de siempre estar bien atractiva.
(Try to always look really attractive.)

 4. "El hogar debe de ser un oasis y un verdadero descanso. No darle malas noticias al nomas verlo que llega del trabajo. Si hay que hablar de algun problema, esperar el apropiado momento. Ellos deben de ver a una esposa feliz y sonriente cuando enran a la casa."
(The home should be an oasis and a true place to rest. Don't give him bad news the minute he gets home from work. If there is a need to talk about a problem, wait for a appropriate moment. They must see a wife who is happy and smiling when they arrive home.)

5. "Querer a la familia del esposo porque hay que comprender que es una extencion de la familia nuclear que estan formando."
(Love your husband's family because you must understand that it is an extension of the nuclear family that is forming.)

6. Ser una buena administradora de las finanzas porque no hay peor cosa que agobie a una pareja que las cuentas pendientes

(Be a good administrator of finances because there is not a worse burden on a couple than outstanding balances.)  

I loved these anwers. Many of us women hate to admit that these things do in fact make our men happy... I think she is on to something.

 Te quiero Mami Gloria! Feliz Dia de la Madre!

Happy Mother's Day!!
besitos, xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I agree with all 100% besitos to you too cristy!!
