Since Flash Back Friday was interrupted due to my excitement
for Mister being on Shark Tank…(which was awesome by the way...I'm so proud of him- go here to watch if you missed it- they are the last to pitch) I thought I would share some photos I came across from my birthday celebration in New York last summer- they made me smile. Mostly, because of the memory of this day- it was a perfect day that I have yet to write about but will soon... photos are not super great but snapping and riding was tricky- especially as we passed the camera around... but I treasure the memory.
I love my sisters.
Through my parents divorced- we clung together for support. They were all I had of the family I once knew. It was so nice to have someone that understood what it was like... someone to cry with... someone to hash out all the disappointments and frustrations with over and over and over again. We had no choice but to rewrite the story of our family and recreate a new family unit of our own.
I have had these two girls on my mind the past few days. This last week Bee and my brother-in- law Joe came out to visit for Little Man's birthday party. The love these two have for my little one is like nothing else. They honestly love him like he is theirs and I love that. Little man loves that. I mean they traveled across the country to celebrate with him, they regularly skype call us, and even send video messages to him... they are amazing.
Sadly, their trip out here is over... and they are back in the City...sob sob... I have to admit that there is such an emptiness in my heart and in my home when they leave. Is this normal?
I hate it.
I am not sure if it is pregnancy hormones or what but I cried the entire way home from the airport and pretty much on and off for the entire day. When I was hugging her at the airport I just never wanted to let go...I just hate that we live across the country from one another. Why does all my immediate family have to live so far away?
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{Mandy...I mean Sister Van Leeuwen- currently serving a mission in Puerto Rico} |
Dear Bee-
What would I do without you in my life? Who would I call when I had an idea or needed some clarity in my life. You always listen and have great insight...such a wise soul you always have been. It's no wonder everyone always mistook you for the oldest... you were/are so much wiser than me! ;)
I just loved having you out here this past week and cherish each moment we had... why did it go by so fast?? I hate when it’s time to say goodbye…especially when we aren't sure when the next trip to see one another is going to be.
Oh how I long for a day (even if in my dreams) that we lived in the same town... maybe on the same street. We could plan trips to the art museum, zoo, and the park with our little ones while we talked about life long goals and dreams. We could open up our Music and Art center for kids... We could have sleepovers and watch chick flicks while our husbands were out of town and our kids were fast asleep.
We could go camping and hiking on the weekends or spend our lazy summers outside with our families.
Our kids would be best friends... make lemonade stands together and have secret club hideouts.
We could raise money together and travel to third world countries and get involved in service projects...okay that one we could do even if you lived somewhere else...but still.
Can we live in the same town one day??
You are always so inspiring to me
I love you.
P.S. Write me back okay.
Oh my sweet sister. It is always hard to leave...for years it has been pure joy to see you and Mandy and the family, and then always despair when it's over. But it's all worth it.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking just the other day about what kind of person I'd be without you and Mandy in my life. I honestly feel like I am a huge part of who I am...things I do, things I like, thing I say...due in part to being sisters with you both. Basically what I'm trying to say is I can't imagine my life without you. I owe a huge part of who I am to you. And I am so grateful God placed us in the same family. Love you sis.
I have sisters too and we still plan times when we can be together. At times not all four of us can be there at one time but I make the effort to at least see each other once a year. Sisters are te best and I am grateful for sisters in my life and for daughters and aunts. I also can't figure my life without you and that is why I don't care all the pain I have endured as long as I know that I at least had you.