I am one of those people who always has/had multiple passions. I blame it on being a Gemini! Therefore, I have started several blogs in my lifetime with different topics. As any smart person would know- having more than one blog makes it difficult to keep them all up on a regular basis... HOWEVER, I can't seem to push the delete button or let them go! I started in 2005 people... there are memories there!
So my dilemma is: do I keep them or let them go?
What name do I keep?
(Weeds to Wishes or The Diary of a Dame...?? )
I am trusting that whatever needs to happen will...and for now my focus is here.
With that, I am introducing
"Flash-back Fridays"
where I will look back on some of my fondest memories from the past.
Here is one of my favorite entries I wrote on May 19th, 2010 here on what I had learned about being a mother in just 3 months.
Dear Diary,
Little Man is fast asleep and I can’t take my eyes off of him. I listen to the rain and thunder crashing down around us... something about that sound makes me slow down and contemplate life. (after thinking of The Sound of Music song of course) Hmmmm… I wonder… as I stare down at my little babe… how can life look so different today than it once did?
I once thought
I once thought I was
fearful… now I am fearless.
I once thought I had respect
for my parents… now I know what it means to honor them.
I once thought passing gas
was disgusting… now it’s so cute.
I once needed an alarm
clock...now my baby sets my schedule.
I once would
wonder why parents of a screaming child couldn’t get control of their child…
now I empathize with them.
I once thought of showers and
makeup as a daily routine…now they are luxuries.
I once thought there was no
such thing as love at first sight… now I realized I can love a
complete stranger.
Those are my thoughts as I lay down to sleep tonight. Good Night.
Cristi Dame

I love this! And little Nix has always been just a handsome little feller.